Maine Real Estate Management is a full service property management company serving the Greater Bangor area. MREM specializes in customizing their services to meet the individual needs of each client. These services include tenant placement, financial reporting, rent collections, cost savings plans and maintenance demands. We work with everything from single family homes and condos to duplexes’ and multi-units to apartment buildings. Maine Real Estate Management has eight people who work in the main office including property managers, leasing agents, front end, financial book keeping and human resources. They also employ a full time staff of handymen and have numerous relationships with licensed contractors and vendors throughout the area. MREM LLC was founded in 2004 by Paul Cook who partnered with Jesse McCue in 2009. Both have extensive knowledge in the field of management and their experience in investing in commercial and residential property have given them first-hand knowledge about what property owners come to expect. One of the unique selling points of Maine Real Estate Management is their ability to take a negative cash flowing property, whether it is nightmare tenants or a vacancy issue and to come up with a strategy and efficiently clean house and place solid, good paying tenants. Let us take on your headaches to free up your time to do the things you love.